I walked into Personnel and turned in my notice. They said if I put down the 25th then I will get the holiday pay. Christmas is the only day Walmart is closed, in fact, they close at 8 PM on Christmas Eve, so if I am scheduled to work that day, I'll be home no later than 8.
It's going to make a huge difference in our lives, in a good way. I can just feel the stress flee my system on my days off. No more living in "two time zones", as I describe it. He in the AM, me in the PM. We get up for each other, or stay up for each other, so we end up sleeping twice each day, if we are lucky, and we are not sleeping enough.
I'm so happy my hubby says what I worked is enough. We paid off our debts, which was my intention. Now he can take the car to work (unless I need it). No more trying to figure out if he can finish at the same time I take my lunch, or even before I start. Hubby told me, "Go to the flower club and photography meetings, make friends, enjoy life!" The meetings are usually on Saturdays, when they have them. I was only able to attend one.